Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Thing About Pink


I had the business name narrowed down to two choices, and my first choice was "India Ink Stamps".  India Ink is very old school.  I used it for years when I illustrated.  I also had a son who was studying in India, and through that connection, was becoming a bit of an "India-phile".  So there was that.  I just liked the idea it conjured up of an old fashioned glass bottle with a stopper - filled with artistic possibilities like a genie in a lamp.  My second choice was "Pink Ink Stamp Company", short, sweet, rhyming and with a mystic childhood connection to a Dr. Seuss book.  I ran both names by family and friends, and to a person, they all liked Pink Ink.  Now I may be stubborn about some things, but I could see the commercial writing on the wall, so Pink Ink it was, and is. 

My previous post was about a pink mixer and this post touches on a pink sewing machine.  (Don't worry, I'm getting the "pink thing" out of my system).  I wrote on Facebook about the sweet memories of my mom making my wedding dress on her old black Singer sewing machine.  When I went to draw artwork for a sewing machine rubber stamp, my mother's machine was etched into my brain.  Then I started a "Think Pink" Pinterest page and through that, discovered a gorgeous old pastel pink Singer that I am now in love with. 

All the pieces fell into place - mom, dress, sewing machine, stamp.  Pink is just my "happy color".  When I look in my closet, my eyes zoom to that section (yes, it's arranged by color).  When I look at my pencils, I'm drawn to the pinks and rosy reds first...aqua greens come next.  It cheers me up.  It makes me think of baby cheeks and rosebuds and the homemade strawberry ice cream my dad used to love.  So there it is.  Love me, love my pink. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Welcome to Pink Ink Postmarks

Welcome to Pink Ink Postmarks, 
Sometimes you just need to dive into the deep end of the pool.  It's how you know you are both buoyant and capable of reaching the other end.  I'm "diving in" today by starting this blog, "Pink Ink Postmarks" for my stamp company.  I'd like to share art work that I've created using Pink Ink stamps and be able to connect with the lovely people I've been meeting as I teach pencil coloring techniques throughout the country.  I also plan to post paper and card projects by other creative souls that are inspired by Pink Ink's images.

I hope this new blog will truly convey my love of making pretty things and will inspire others to stamp, color, cut and create!  I'll try to share techniques when I can, and always offer encouragement!  I look forward to sharing stories about myself, my family and everyday life here at Pink Ink Stamp Company.  We are located in Petaluma, California - north of San Francisco in Sonoma County, surrounded by some of the prettiest scenery on the west coast.  I'm lucky to live here and to have the support at home of my husband Fred, who helps so much to "make it happen".

So, let the fun begin with my first blog photo post:  Mom's Mixer.  My mother Lois' mixer was your standard issue white and black.  From these bowls came many a lovely birthday cake and multiple batches of "room parent" cupcakes.   I had taken the liberty of coloring this image, when I found out from my friend Patsy, that her mother actually had a pink mixer just like this one!  Well, that is just too cool, because I not only really do love pink, but now know it actually exists.  So, here's to our moms, to baking things with love and to coloring the world as you envision it.